Our Partners
livepro is supported across the world by partners who are determined to help organizations deliver fast and accurate answers to customers through any channel.
Technology Partners have integrated with livepro to deliver answers within their App for Agents and direct to customers.
Customer Experience and Contact Centre Advisors have Partnered with livepro to deliver our world-class CX Knowledge Management system to their customers because they know livepro will deliver what we promise and will respect their customers.
Brad Shaw
CEO @ livepro
Brad Shaw
, CEO @ livepro
System Integrators
Prequalified Suppliers to
Customer Experience Experts partner with livepro
livepro’s customer-first culture is key to our success. Our Consulting Partners are hand-picked by us to ensure they enhance our culture and deliver the same level of service.
livepro's unparalleled customer loyalty globally will help strengthen your relationship when you recommend our award winning, purpose-built Customer Experience Knowledge Management system.
Let us help you deliver the answers to your customers and your agents through any user interface. livepro’s speed brings answers through any channel.